Monday, April 30, 2012


This week I feel a sigh of relief right through to my inner self. I have finished this years classes for my new extended degree. What does this mean? It means I do not have to read extra articles nor write and rewrite papers every weekend. I have stressed each week about points and if I will pass. I have cried numerous times and wonder what the Lord has in mind for me to have taken this path. But yet each week I survive and with the help of a close knit group I continue on. And now...another class is finished. I find myself thinking what am I now going to do this summer with this free time to myself. I will regroup and mentally prepare for yet another class. But for now I am enjoying this freedom of "no class"I am not stressed at the monent. I am enjoying time, time I squezzed in between all the other things I do daily. SIGH! SIGH! SIGH!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Cutting wood

Yesterday my husband and I cut wood. We both enjoy cutting wood. We get to be together all day. We talk about everything and anything. We laugh with each other and work hard. Halfway around the field and hours later I told him I just counldn't pick up another piece as I was to tired and to hot. So he said lets just get in the truck and rest awhile. As I sat there he said go ahead and take a nap then we will finish. So I closed my eyes, listened to the water running over the rocks in the stream, heard the birds talking to one another, and could hear the trees creaking in the wind. I got up and told my husband I just couldn't sleep so we may as well get back to work and finish filling the trailer. He then said I had been sleeping for over an hour and I was snoring. How in the world did I get so old that I can't even remember I was sleeping. guess I needed that nap. Back up and at it we finished the load. Now we can stay warm and have hot water for another three weeks.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


I do not sleep much each evening. If I sleep on one side I wake up because my shoulder hurts. I then turn to the other side until that arm falls asleep. If I sleep on my back I snore so loud I wake myself up. When I sleep on my stomach I wake up because I drank to much water as I was SO thirsty right before I went to bed. Back from the bathroom, I stick my feet out from the covers as they are hot. Then I wake up and throw the rest of the covers off as I am now hot all over. Later on I get up again to close the window as I am cold. Back to bed then the alarm rings, I just can't believe its time to get up, so I hit snooze. R-i-n-g time to really get up. I don't think I slept all night!
*Solution- I come home and take a nap each day that I can!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


I am hooked, each night I come home and sometime during the evening I check each of your blogs. I giggle, smile and and shake my head meaning oh yeah I get that! What I am trying to say is that I feel like I am part of your lives because of what I am reading. We are friends-I know your stories. I don't always comment but I read each and everyone. I am hooked on reading your hopes, dreams, accomplishments, sorrows, goals...notices. Have a wonderful evening...I did!