Monday, April 4, 2011

Here I am!

After much debate, I have joined friends in the blog world. For the past month I have read your slices and have learned more about each of you. I have enjoyed seeing your thinking about life and laughed at your humor. I watch the whole series of Anne of Green Gables each winter. Something we have done with our daughters for years. Anyway, I think of each of you like those movies as, kindred spirits. You know right away when your have met a kindred spirit. They are your lifetime friends. It matters not how often you see each other as you take off from whence you last met. Thanks again for being true friends. The food was fantastic, the company awesome and the memories we made tonight will last a lifetime. Enjoy the rest of your week girls!!!!


  1. I loved the Anne books! You are so right that we do seem like kindred spirits, and we just pick up where we left off when we get together. I love how our conversations weave in and out and under and around, punctuated often by laughter.
    I'm so excited that you are blogging--and it looks like you did it as soon as you got home! I bet you find it as addicting as the rest of us. :)

  2. Yeah, Tammy, my friend!! You wrote beautifully. I agree that we are kindred spirits. We are different yet have so much in common. I'm glad that we are able to lift each other up. I'm glad we are there for you as you go through your assignment. I'm glad you are there for me to encourage me and remind me that yes, I can do it. You did it! MaryHelen

  3. Hello - wondering if I'll see a slice from you. Sending a hug your way!

  4. Hi Tammy--and MH. :) I was checking too.
    Tammy, I bet you are up to your eyeballs in a paper for your class. Isn't class near the start of the week? I can't remember. At any rate, I'm thinking of you and sending as many good thoughts and wishes and prayers your way as I can.
