Thursday, June 9, 2011


Lots of rain kept them from planting our field last month. Last weekend my family was cutting up fallen down trees from the recent storms getting them out of the planters way. It was in the 90 degree heat and I was dripping with sweat and very red in the face. Yet, we all knew we had to trudge forward as those broken down limbs needed to be cleaned up. Tonight the farmer pulled in with his John Deere tractor pulling the planter behind. He opened the door and yelled out, " Do you want to ride along." Of course my daughter pulled on her boots and hustled down the hill to hitch a ride planting soy beans in the dry field. They have been out there now for hours going back and forth going across corn stubble rows of last year. I sit on my screened in deck listening to the hum of the tractors engine. Thinking how blessed I am that my daughters have this opportunity to see seeds planted then grow into a crop that feeds so many others. They understand how the planter is filled with seed and that each seed in individually dropped, then is pushed under with a metal plate. The overturned earth smells fresh,a smell you only get during springtime planting. The crop is in , the planting done, the farmer happy...grow soybeans grow!

1 comment:

  1. I am really enjoying the one-word focus for your posts. Great idea! It's like getting little snippets of your life by looking in through different windows.
