Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Every night this month I do the same thing before bedtime, I read the slices. It is just as much fun as going to the mailbox. I get all excited and giddy as I open each BONS blog page. I can't wait to read the words. I smile. I giggle. I chuckle. I imagine you all and the smiles on your faces as you are writing.We are connected. Its fun to hear your stories and see what is important in your lives. Its the little things that we notice. I feel I know your families better, your children, wishes and dreams.Its a gift we give each other and its free. I can't wait to open my computer tomorrow night and read your slices! :)


  1. You captured this truth so well. I can see and hear you giggle. Our stories do bring us closer together. Great analogy with slices and the mailbox.

  2. Slices and the mailbox--great similarities. You're right. We just don't get letters anymore either. Now and then I write a letter to my grandkids, so they know what it's like to just get a letter. Enjoy my furry story.

  3. This is it exactly! I'm behind commenting and reading, because it's all I can do to get through the day and slice. My goal is to read at least each BONS slice each day, but I didn't get that done--or some nights I turn off the computer before you late nighters. :)
    This slice made me feel happy, because this is exactly what reading each other's slices does for us. :)
