Monday, July 21, 2014


After two weeks of working on it, I have finished the task I started! Trimming back the brush (new growth) all the way around the yard. Which means all the way around the woods that outlines the yard. Each day after my husband goes to work I put on my cowboy boots, shorts and old tee-shirt. Then I spray myself thick with bug spray and head to the barn for the tree trimming tool. This tool has a small saw on the end with nippers that you pull with a rope. The tool also extends way over your head so you can reach branches way up high. I last only about an hour as I get hot, sweaty, and my arms and back ache. The mosquitoes and deer flies buzz and nibble at my skin. The thorny underbrush scratches me with poison ivy dancing around my boots. But...when done I come in for a tall glass of lemonade and feel good about how far I have moved around the yard. Each day getting closer to the end. Today I'm done! I called my husband to tell him I FINISHED, as he thought I never would stick with it. Now when he mows the yard, branches will not swat him in the face. Now I'm looking out over the yard from the swing on the deck thinking to myself - What am I going to do next? Ideas?.
* paint the deck
*powerwash the house
*butcher chickens
*paint the shed
For now I think I'll just have another glass of lemonade!   

1 comment:

  1. Hello, Friend,
    You have a lot of energy. I am doing more things outdoors this year. I looked at my blog this morning--haven't written on it since April 4! Enjoyed the cottage again this year. Very good times. Out of 5, glad 2 of us are really publishing at least. We 3 can think of ourselves as the inspiration. Tammy, you are on to something with the Bee Story! The other Ruth has something going on with trees. Me, my mind continues to flit around like the bees. Will I ever zero in and sting? Thinking of all you teachers as you prepare for another year. Love and a hug.
