Thursday, January 8, 2015


I've read Ruth's blog and watched her inspiring video about her past ten little words. After that I had to join in the group of that long list of others that have their little word already. It was seconds until it popped into my head, saying I'm your word...CALL.
So that's my word, call.
I will call someone I haven't talked to for awhile and chat on the phone.  Not a text, not an e-mail a call, one voice listening to another. I have made my first call and had such a nice visit.
When I was sending out my Christmas cards I noticed that half the people I sent cards to haven't sent them back. People are losing touch with one another so this is my way of staying in touch with my friends.
You will be getting a call, when you least expect it. :) 


  1. Excellent OLW! I can't wait to see how CALL weaves itself into your life.

  2. I did get that call!!! A surprise and a welcoming one, too. I always get calls from my kids at night with their aches and pains. Nice to just get a cheery "Hello."
