Saturday, March 21, 2015


This week on my way to Shipsewana to grocery shop in bulk I stopped by a few Amish garage sales. Everyone of them were held in a heated garage or basement. It is sorta chilly outside so that felt nice on my oldish bones to be warm as I searched for treasures. What I was most excited about was the baked goods I bought. My car just filled up with chocolate chip, sugar, and molasses cookies, a loaf of bread, plus cinnamon rolls. Which I put in lunchboxes the next day. When friends stopped in they enjoyed a treat too. Another goodie I got was 2 butternut squash for a quarter each. My family loves squash. I can't wait when I bake them for the house to be filled with deliciousness aroma of Fall. Well... I had a wonderful time shopping. Oh I asked one lady what time she got up to start baking the cookies as they had just came out of the oven...4am was the answer! I thanked her for making them as would my family.  

Sunday, March 8, 2015


Yesterday I went outside to check on my chickens and ducks. I knew with all the warm weather I would not need to water them. I was right, water puddles were everywhere. We have a low spot in the driveway there was a duck swimming party going on . Wings flapping, bills dipping, tails wiggling , water flying all around. So while the ducks were having a good time the chickens were too. There in the yard was one patch of grass showing green around the white snow. There were the chickens scratching the heck out of that patch. dead grass was flying in the air with bits of dirt. Their feet were using muscles that needed exercising from winter dormancy. What fun they were all having on this warm spring day!