Saturday, March 21, 2015


This week on my way to Shipsewana to grocery shop in bulk I stopped by a few Amish garage sales. Everyone of them were held in a heated garage or basement. It is sorta chilly outside so that felt nice on my oldish bones to be warm as I searched for treasures. What I was most excited about was the baked goods I bought. My car just filled up with chocolate chip, sugar, and molasses cookies, a loaf of bread, plus cinnamon rolls. Which I put in lunchboxes the next day. When friends stopped in they enjoyed a treat too. Another goodie I got was 2 butternut squash for a quarter each. My family loves squash. I can't wait when I bake them for the house to be filled with deliciousness aroma of Fall. Well... I had a wonderful time shopping. Oh I asked one lady what time she got up to start baking the cookies as they had just came out of the oven...4am was the answer! I thanked her for making them as would my family.  

1 comment:

  1. I have a squash sitting on my island, waiting to be baked. Mmmmm. Try to stay away from bread although my favorite. I do have a small bag of artisan bread sliced ready to pop one in the microwave when I have a craving! Hey, saw an article on Facebook with a wire tunnel placed on grass for to control chickens as they wandered around the yard--thought of you!! Happy Spring!
