Tuesday, July 26, 2011


For the past five years I have become an ice chomper. I have about six glasses of it a day. Some people start their day with coffee but me, I start mine with ice. It started when I was trying to lose weight and in my mind I thought water is zero calories. So it seems like I like to eat constantly so instead of chomping food I may as well chomp ice. I do this constantly now. I have had my doctor tell me I am not deficient in anything as I've heard that is a sign. Just a habit. I had my dentist tell me it's really bad for my teeth. But I have had my teeth x-rayed and they show no cracks or stress at this time. So I continue to chomp,chomp, chomp. So for years I fill my ice cube trays half full so its easier to crunch. Now after 26 years my frig stopped working and I picked out a new one that has the ice maker on the outside. Now anytime I want I can have cubed and crushed ice. I absolutely love it. So I am sitting here typing and chomping away on my glass of ice totally content. I find joy in ice cubes!


  1. You are so cool. Get it--cool! Ha!!!

  2. Joy in the small things. I love it! :)

  3. Chomp, chomp, chomp - love the onomatopoeia. I can visualize you typing and crunching.
