Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Car wash

I'm going to try really hard to write a little bit everyday for the SOL challenge...what I am trying to say is that I am going to write about whatever comes into my mind. It may not be about the cottage this month. Today I took my youngest daughter to Ft. Wayne for her appt. While she was busy I decided to go to the car wash, as my car was filthy. I have never been to one that did not have an attendant. Well I got my gas, paid for the wash then pushed the buttons. The door opened, I went in slowly as it said and the door came down on my trunk. Then the washing started not hitting my car. I then tried to get out of the car wash but the door would not open. I went froward and back inside the thing, panicking by now thinking I will not be on time to get my daughter. Finally the door went up and I was free. Upon getting out and seeing the huge dent in my trunk I pulled around to talk to the gas station attendant. She was nice enough, took pictures, the car wash door was a mess and out of commission. However the maintenance man said he was not coming in until morning. I told my husband they will probably hit it with a sledge hammer in the morning and say it was my fault. I do not have much faith in our system or people after last summer being rear ended and the fiasco we went through. Anyway I made it home, my husband said stupid things happen everyday (he did not yell at me). And...me, well it will be along time before I ever go in another car wash. I'll get out my bucket and old rag. Anyone want the FREE car wash they gave me?


  1. I felt your pain. Car washes scare me, too. I think this post is definitely an example of a slice! Hopefully, your dilemma is treated with fairness. Everyone is always trying to make a buck at any price. Slice on, my dear friend, I think you've got it!!! And, I find I can now comment on your blog!!!!

  2. Oh my! Glad you are okay. I am glad you are going to join the challenge. It will be wonderful to read your tidbits of the day. Love the question at the end, and no thank you. MHG

  3. Oh dear! OH DEAR! What a story! I could just see you sitting there trying to figure out what to do.
    I hate car washes.
