Monday, April 30, 2012


This week I feel a sigh of relief right through to my inner self. I have finished this years classes for my new extended degree. What does this mean? It means I do not have to read extra articles nor write and rewrite papers every weekend. I have stressed each week about points and if I will pass. I have cried numerous times and wonder what the Lord has in mind for me to have taken this path. But yet each week I survive and with the help of a close knit group I continue on. And now...another class is finished. I find myself thinking what am I now going to do this summer with this free time to myself. I will regroup and mentally prepare for yet another class. But for now I am enjoying this freedom of "no class"I am not stressed at the monent. I am enjoying time, time I squezzed in between all the other things I do daily. SIGH! SIGH! SIGH!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you have this time now. That's how I have felt about all the prep time for teaching these last 19 years. It's a new life. I'm sighing with you.
