Monday, April 13, 2020


It has been five years since I have been on this blog. To me it seems like a year ago. When I wrote on this yesterday I kept saying , "five years I just can't believe it, five whole years." My goodness I had a lot to say in five years and maybe someone wanted to hear it! I told myself that should never happen again. I'm retired and I should find the time. Someone recently told me...We all are given the same gift of 24 hours a day, its what we choose to do with that time that makes the difference.
Back to the topic: I really don't like assignments, I'm one who drags my feet until the last minute. This year I have been writing a story every week starting January first. I didn't want to do it, I kept thinking this is a terrible gift for me. My daughter got me this book online as a Christmas gift. I have to write stories about my life given an idea if I choose to use it each Monday it comes on my email. I think about it all week then I write. Really its a gift for my girls someday, but also a gift to me to remember events and sometimes I'm surprised by what I remember. It has made me write, which as you know I don't like pressure. So I did it with lots of complaints to Rex. Then as the stories went out and I got little replies I started enjoying it more. Now I even read them out loud to Rex before I push, send. Our daughters are the only ones who can see them and at the end of the year they will be bound into a book for them. Its an assignment!
Then last week at BONS, we were assigned by the next meeting to write on our blogs. I wasn't even sure mine was out there in space anymore. So the idea quickly was placed far back in my brain, where the cobwebs reside. Then a text was sent...two people had wrote. UUGG. Then another text...did you see another one  has written! I said to myself, I'll do it if they all end up writing. Well surprise, surprise, they DID. So out came the dusty laptop. I worked for a long time, but in the end there it was my old Blog, like an old friend. Five years... but I'm glad now, I had the assignment and everyone did it. So I'm enjoying writing because of these assignments. 

1 comment:

  1. TAMMY! This a story every week!!! This is amazing. I can't wait for what it unleashes in you. You have such an affinity for finding sweet stories, for seeing the magic in the mundane. What a gift your girls are giving are writing a story a week for a year. I bet there are all kinds of ideas for children's books being planted in the ground. I am so excited for you. Thanks so much for sharing...and I am so happy that the blog feels good...feels right. I'm glad you are writing. It matters to me.
    Love & hugs,
