Sunday, April 12, 2020


Our family loves to put together puzzles. In our basement we have a round table with four chairs, its the puzzle table. Almost anytime of the year you can go downstairs and there will be a puzzle on it. It is something everyone can participate in. I remember doing puzzles at my grandparents. It was a time to speak quietly with one another , building something together, Then at home as a child we did puzzles in the winter. We would get out the card table and puzzle away . Sometimes you sit for hours then other times you walk by and see apiece to put in. Puzzles are  good at concentration, problem solving, determination and aggravation. We get most of our puzzles at garage sales. Then pass them on to other family members and friends who enjoy them like we do. Since we have been home, we are like the puzzle library. People call and ask for 4 or...6. Sometimes we say pass that on you don't have to return. Then at other times we say, return that one and we will do it again next year. (if its a really good keeper)
Life is a puzzle sometimes our pieces fall perfectly into place, other times we try to force parts of or life into place as we would like. There are days when we feel like we are missing a few of our pieces . But when its all said and done, we are a complete picture to enjoy. Enjoy all the pieces in your life.

1 comment:

  1. I love your ending! Puzzles are an important part of our family life too...I do hope that it is something that continues throughout the generations. Thanks so much for writing!
    Hugs, Ruth
