Saturday, January 24, 2015


All the BONS are reading books. Some read the same book as their older children then they have conversations with them about the book. Some are in book clubs so they have to read to keep up the pace and chat about the happenings in a circle of  book love. Some have stacks in their homes waiting to be read as others have suggested them , therefore they must read them.  Whatever the reason they are reading constantly, tired eyes scanning the pages. Then there is me! MH was at the teacher store with me and had them stacked in her arms I swear up to her chin. "They are free, aren't you going to read them?" I said no, I can't remember the last time I read a book to be honest. I big thick smelly old book. So what am I reading? Magazines! I absolutely love them. They are short. I can watch TV and glace at my magazine. I read everywhere as they are skinny and lite weight. However I made a rule that the only ones I keep are my Chicken and Mother Earth News magazines. Everything else I read then I pass on to someone else and I tell them they have to pass them on too. Pay it forward. I have found somehow this site that I do not pay more than $4.99 for a yr subscription. So its fun buying them as gifts and send to my family too.
Mother Earth News
This Old House
Rachel Ray Cooking
Bon Appetite
Southern Living
Log Home Living
Family Circle
Weight Watchers
Garden and Gun
Architecture Digest
Mary Jane
All You
So I have been reading just not books. Anyone want a magazine?


1 comment:

  1. "In a circle of book love"--loved that phrase. I use to like magazines when I taught--light and colorful. Now I don't get any magazines. I love going to a book I love reading. I look forward to settling into the lives of others--a small perk. Steve and I usually don't like the same programs, but lately we have found some we watch together even though they're not my cup of tea. There is always a book to read if you don't like the program. Books will come to you for sure when you retire.
