Monday, March 4, 2013


Tonight we drove over to the cottage to return a cabinet. My husband has been working on it for a week. Taking the door apart on the front and re-gluing it back down. Taking the sides apart and re-nailing it to make it stronger. Polishing it to make it shine again. Filling it with goodies after it was placed back in it's spot near the frig. This cabinet matches the table and chairs that came from the cottage, They belong together. They are not much to look at but to us they have history with the place. So as we carried the cupboard that was there in its place out. My daughter said, "Well this one has more room than that old one, plus it looks better". My reply was, "This one came with the cottage and belongs here. It has a history here with this place. Your dad and I feel some things that came with this cottage belong here for all time. It is part of this place". 'You are right mom it belongs here. " And so, after 3 years of waiting until the kitchen was done enough for it to return... tonight was the night and once again the table, chairs and cabinet are together in the little cottage by Long Lake.

* I love this place!!      


  1. I love that you love that place, and I love that you understand about some things just belonging together. I think that's part of what I find so appealing about the cottage.
    I can hardly wait for days with enough time to visit you there.

  2. I can't wait to return to the cottage either. I love that you want to keep a bit of history with the cottage.

  3. Love the idea about keeping some of the tried and true with the new. If furniture could talk--a story there, maybe. This is such a writing place for you. So glad you have your cottage by the sea! Can't wait to return to it this spring/summer. We will be there.

  4. The history in a cabinet - I wonder what stories it would tell. MHG
