Sunday, March 10, 2013


It has been in our house for 15 years. It came from a garage sale. When I found it I couldn't believe my luck. To find such a toy in such good shape. When I brought the horse home Tharon was almost to big for it. It didn't  matter. She climbed on it anyway with her little cowboy hat. When she bounced on it the horse went up and  down up and down. I could see in Tharon's eyes she was flying on that horse through the mountainous terrain with Indians chasing her. The springs were stretched out but the horse kept going. Soon the horse was passed on to Riley and she had many adventures in the wild west. I could see Tharon missed it and would sneak a ride on it but knew she was getting to big. That horse sure has trotted many miles looking straight ahead. Now my grandson saw the horse in the basement the other day. It was covered in dust- long forgotten. Sitting just waiting for another adventure. As we carried it up into the living room my grandson could hardly wait to get boosted up into the saddle. Feet in stirrups he took the reins and the horse was flying, going up and down up and down. I  could see a sparkle in the aunties eyes as they watched and remembered adventures they had on Horse.      Giddy-up Cowboy


  1. You have a knack for pulling up memories that create a flood of memories in others--we had a horse like that when I was little. All four of us used it and loved it. Those old ones the coiled metal springs could really get going!
    Thank you for taking me back tonight....

  2. Oh the adventures...they are beginning again.

  3. This is so special for you and the girls and your grandson. Horses are wonderful and beautiful creatures. Ride on.

  4. This post is a keeper. You weave in imaginary play like it's happening in the now. Love the fact that your grandson is now enjoying the fun too.
