Thursday, March 14, 2013


Tonight Tyson and I went on our trip to Elkhart. Each month we get to go once, to the Feed the Children store to fill our bags with what ever we want for school and home. We make a trip of it. First we stop at E&S Sales in Shipshewana. We always have an ice cream cone there! Then we stop at Rise and Roll to purchase donuts, breads and pies. Then we go to the free store. Just show your badge and you get in if your school is signed up. Ruth M. I know your school is because I asked some teachers in there and yep they knew you! Ruth A. your school and MaryHelens may also be. Teachers are there stuffing goodies in those bags until they can't hold anymore. I get stuff for school and home. I get so excited. I use my goodies for gifts too. Today I got Easter prizes to give the kids. Some stuff is the same, and other times they have new cool things. It is so much fun! Then we stop at Subway on the way home. Once home the girls paw through my bags and take what they want. Tharon even took a box of 25 binders to give to college friends. Next month maybe I can meet some of you there. We go every month!!!    * I got you all a little surprise when I see you all next.  


  1. I think I've heard of this, but have never gone. A teacher brought me back some chart markers to use at school though. I'll have to admit that I got distracted by your talk of ice cream cones, Rise and Roll (yum!) and Subway. Guess I'd better figure out what's for dinner!

  2. You go to the neatest places! Is mine lime colored?

  3. I want to go. I need to coordinate sometime to get the free stuff. I love you title. Free is good. MHG
