Wednesday, March 27, 2013


I have been writing each night. Sometimes  I think I have a super idea, other slices I think have been just plain lame. But always they are about the same length no matter how good my ideas are. I have scrolled back and even measured them on the screen and yeah they are all, yes all, about the same. Then I looked at all of yours. Some are short and some are really, really long. I wonder how do they do it? How do they think of all those words? Plus they sound so good when all the words are molded together. I would think with all this practice I would be getting better. (I guess not). So I will continue to write, and they will, I'm sure be the same length. :)  * I could never write a novel!!  


  1. I think your writing has improved. Your writing muscles are going through a workout. I laugh in many as I hear your voice. You describe so I'm visualizing too. It has been a month of learning. I have surprised myself with the words that come. Then, I read others and wish I could spin words like they do. But, I'm learning to be happy with me and growing. You need to smile at you. I'm sending you a hug.

  2. I don't why I write more on one day and less on the other--subject matter? I think the more I read and write, even at my age, I get better at writing and reading. Except I can't get the hang of mysteries/detective stories. I never could gather clues. Now I even forget the characters. How am I going to remember the clues? You definitely have the knack for picking up on the little things which is the premise of all writing. I don't why you think you aren't writing well. I enjoy your posts. Yes, like MH said, learn to be happy with your "you." I am. If you like something in a writer, mimic what they are doing, using a thesaurus, too, like I do! You have to have fun with it and be you!
