I like to cook. When the girls were little I cooked lots. I had a huge garden and I picked, froze, plus canned everything I grew. When I think back I wonder how I did all of that, take care of everyone in the family and work. Now I get food already prepared at the bakery from Wal-Mart. That's why my card group gives me, fruit to pick up. They don't ask me to bake. Oh well, much easier. However almost every week-end we have one meal at the cottage. The cars drive in. Rex grills and I cook. I spend my fair share of time looking at cooking magazines, thumbing through cookbooks. I spend time watching cooking shows and cooking wars on T.V. I spend time making a list for the grocery store to get the right ingredients. Plus during the day while working I think,"What will I make for supper tonight?" Cooking is a big deal. We have to make sure the family has fruits, veggies,and meat. Plus we have to make it yummy. I think about this subject to much. I wish I had a chef somedays! Gotta go Cook!
Grilling at the cottage was awesome! Cooking is not my favorite. I think it is the planning and needing good ideas. MHG
ReplyDeleteWhat time is dinner? Now I'm hungry again, but it's too late. I have some popcorn beside me, but now I want to bake. :) Well, not really right now. Right now I'm just thinking about my bed!
ReplyDeleteOh, wouldn't a chef be great?!!! I would be skinny for one. I would be very healthy. I would be happy!! It's hard cooking for two.