Sunday, March 24, 2013


Today we had to get out and drive. I like to stay tucked in one day a week and not move a vehicle. Just stay home, however today we needed to go get a trailer load of wood to keep our house staying warm. (I wish spring would hurry up!) So we had to drive.On the way there I noticed now that the snow is completely gone you can see all the trash. It was everywhere, glass bottles, cans and papers all along the ditch. When we had stopped and were loading the wood I noticed 6, yes 6 plastic bags go flying carefree across the open field. More trash, everywhere I looked I saw it, all over the landscape. It made me sad that all this trash came from negligent people that were to lazy to throw it away properly. I try to teach my students to respect the earth, the land... I hope they are listening to me. When it warms up I will walk along the road, as I do every spring and pick up the trash bordering my property. At least my corner of the earth is clean!  


  1. It disturbs me as well when I see it. It happens even in town. Ready for spring, even though I did enjoy my snow day today. I have caught up on some computer/blog stuff. My wrist is sore from being on. I've been spring mini-cleaning too.

  2. I notice the trash, too. I never understood why people throw things out the window. I'm glad you're teaching your students the lesson of respecting the earth.
