Monday, March 26, 2012

Hot Water

No I'm not in hot water but we sure do use a lot of it in our house. I go to visit my friend who has a son and when he goes in to take a shower its zip-zip fast! He's in and out of that bathroom. I ask, "Is he always that speedy?" "Always" is her answer.Well that is not the case here at our house who has four daughters. They go in the bathroom and first you hear the CD start up. That's the first clue that it will be awhile. Then the singing starts. I think the girls do not know how loud they are, their voice(someday we will miss that singing) from the bathroom just booms. Then the music goes louder when the water joins in the duet. I have timed the girls and they usually take 40 minutes with the water running. Shaving the legs in the tub then adds on another twenty minutes. When my husband walks by I know he pounds on the door and yells. "Whats going on in there?" then he walks away with a smile on his face, as he has lived with these girls for 26years. The hair which follows then takes who knows how long to jell,brush and style. Then it starts all over with the next girl. With some shoving on who gets the bathroom next. Sometimes its who is the fastest and can get it there to lock the door first. Sometimes it is who can tackle the best that night. Then there is always one who figures out if she goes last she may get to stay up a bit later because she just can't seem to get out of there quick enough and gets a few minutes past her bedtime . Then sometimes they can really speed it up if a boy is waiting for a date or the vehicle is leaving and you best be in or we leave without you. Anyways, I am so happy we have our outside wood boiler as the girls and myself can stay in that shower as long as we want. This week end our daughter in college and our married daughter were back on different days and both times I said what are you doing showering here? Both said that our water is hotter here so they like to jump in. I then found out the college daughter does this often as she thinks the bathrooms are to small at school. My husband and I think they will never leave the bathroom. Until then we keep cutting wood (which we did yesterday) and keep filling the wood stove... as the hot water continues to flow at our house!


  1. I should have my husband read this--but not my daughter! She takes too long, and here in town, there is no wood boiler. She'd love your house, and she's not a bad tackler, so she'd fit right in.
    In fact, I'd better go kick her out of the shower now!

  2. You need to wood to heat the boiler? That's a lot of wood. My husband pounds on the door when I'm taking a shower. What's that all about? I envy the fact that you have girls, I, not a one. I miss the female influence more than ever now. My guys just can't understand women. They should have had a sister.
